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A parent or guardian must be present when enrolling a new student.  When you enter the main office, ask to speak with Ms. Williams, our guidance clerk. She will provide you with the necessary paperwork to complete and collect the appropriate documentation and identification.  Please call 843-466-3000 with any questions.

The following documents are required when enrolling a new student. All official records will be requested from previous school upon eligibility to enroll, however not having all required documents will delay the enrollment process.

  • Parent/Guardian Identification: Identification required from the parent or guardian enrolling the student
  • Proof of Residence: This document must match the address that you use to register your child.  You may bring in a paystub or recent electric bill (official mail with your name and address on it).
  • Proof of Guardianship: If a student does not reside with their natural or adopted parent(s), proof of legal guardianship approval through the court system is required
  • Proof of Immunization: South Carolina law requires all students provide immunization information.
  • Official Withdrawal Documentation: Documentation of proper withdrawal from previous school including most recent  grades must be provided.
  • Student's Social Security Card
  • Student's Birth Certificate
  • Special Service Records (if applicable): Students receiving special services as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan are asked to bring the most current copy of their documentation. Special services and accommodations may not be provided until records are received and reviewed.